Almacontest 2017
Left to right: Marco Mariotti, Luca Fernandez Gonzalez, Alessandro Lotti.
Project overview

Team members: Luca Fernandez Gonzalez, Alessandro Lotti, and Marco Mariotti.

In 2017, we participated in the Almacontest organized by the University of Bologna to raise innovative ideas for improving future student orientation.

As part of this initiative, we developed Almaorienteering, an Android application dedicated to promoting counseling for prospective students and simplifying the search for information about the University of Bologna's courses, facilities, and services. The application was realized using Android Studio and Firebase.

As part of this project, I specifically contributed to the design of the "teaching offer" and "statistics" sections. I also worked on interfacing with Firebase to access AlmaLaurea data for statistical comparison between degree programs, as well as gathering information on all courses within each program offered by the University. This included details such as descriptions, semester, room, and assessment information.

Our proposal ranked first in the "development of prototypes" category, securing a prize of €2,750. Check out the demo below!

App demo